onsdag, mars 22, 2006

Klarspråk om Afghanistan

Bush försökte i ett tal tidigare i veckan vända blickarna bort från Irak, och peka på Afghanistan som ett lyckat exempel:

Twenty-five million people are now free, and Afghanistan is no longer a safe haven for the terrorists.

Han kanske skulle ta och tala med sina undersåtar om den saken. Chefen för DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), General Michael D. Maples, vittnade inför den amerikanska kongressen om situationen i Afghanistan, där han målade upp en helt annan bild av situationen:

In 2005, Taliban and other anticoalition movement groups increased attacks by 20% over 2004. Insurgents also increased suicide attacks almost four-fold, more than doubled improvised explosive devices attacks and increasingly used beheadings to terrorize the local population. [...] We judge insurgents now represent a greater threat to the expansion of Afghan government authority than at any point since late 2001, and will be active this spring.

Kejsaren står återigen naken.

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Blogger Ulf said...

Mycket intressant dokument! Det där slår ju hål på en del propagandamyter om Irakkriget också. Vad sägs om att

1) "foreign terrorists" är "responsible for less than 5% of the overall violence in Iraq"

2) "Few [of the insurgents] are motivated by Ba'athism"

3) "Most Iraqis consider
those who perpetrate violence against civilians to be “criminals” or “terrorists,” but those who attack the Coalition as “patriots.”"


5:03 fm  

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